Kongressen i Madrid flyttad till april 2021

Den internationella heraldiska och genealogiska kongressen hålls nästa gång i Madrid den 21-24 april 2021 i stället för i oktober 2020. Mer information finns här.

Tiden för förslag till föredrag har förlängts och ska nu lämnas senast den 31 oktober 2020. Se information här.

Här följer information om stipendier för yngre heraldiker:

The Académie internationale d’héraldique is pleased to offer two bursaries each amounting to a maximum of 600 euros to assist students with travel, accommodation and registration at the Madrid congress. 

Given the extended deadline for the Madrid conference in response to the measures against covid-19, the AIH has decided to extend the deadline for bursary applications accordingly.  

Proposals for papers need to be submitted in the first instance (and separate from the sponsorship application for and documents) by filling out the registration form on the Conference website by 31 October 2020. For full details see the Conference website at https://congresocigh2020.es/?lang=en. Submitted proposals should relate to the conference theme: ‘Social Structures and their Manifestation Through Genealogy and Heraldry’. Please note that your PowerPoint should be in more than one language if possible since the audience will include people of different nationalities. Papers will be considered for publication in the proceedings after acceptance by the Scientific Committee. The Committee does not need to justify its decisions. 

For an application form for early career funding please contact Dr Steven Thiry at steven.thiry@uantwerpen.be. Completed applications for student funding should be made to the President no later than 15 September 2020, by email at president@aih-1949.com Forms for the application are here: http://www.aih-1949.com/congres.php

Applicants for funding should normally be graduates studying for a higher degree, or have recently graduated with a PhD or Master’s degree, whose dissertation is on a heraldic topic, or on a theme closely related to heraldry. Also early career professionals with a proven interest in heraldry are eligible for this sponsorship. Successful applicants for funding must present their work in person at Madrid and are expected to attend the whole conference. Students must supply all supporting documentation for their expenses.