Tours in Lund 19 August 2023. How to choose and register will be announced soon, by e-mail to the ones who have registered for the tours.
13.15 Time for lunch (individually arranged)
14.30 – 18.00 Tours, see topics and time schedule below.
Public heraldry in the city of Lund
In the central parts of Lund, there are many buildings decorated with heraldry. Lund was founded around 990, but the coat of arms of Lund was not granted until 1913, however based on a seal from the mid 14th century. Lars Trägen, a member of Societas Heraldica Lundensis, will guide you through central Lund and tell you about the history of Lund and its coat of arms and about other heraldic decorations as well.
The tour starts at Grand Hotel, address Bantorget 1. Google maps.

The History of Lund University
Lund University was founded in 1666 in the formerly Danish province recently conquered by Sweden. In central Lund, buildings and statues tell the history of the university. You will be guided by Per Nilsén, Associate Professor of Legal History.
The tour starts at the main entrance of Juridicum, address Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 4. Google maps.

The Archives of ’Akademiska Föreningen’ and the Student Museum
The Academic Society (Akademiska Föreningen) is an non-profit student organisation, for and by students with a purpose of gathering and broadening the cultural aspect of the student life at Lund University. It was founded in 1830, and its Archives and Student Museum preserves and exhibits historical objects from the Academic Society and the student’s unions, nations and societies. During the tour, you will visit the museum and an exhibition of banners for students’ nations.
Address Sandgatan 2, entrance from Tegnérplatsen, the south side of the building. Google maps.

The Historical Museum
The Historical Museum at Lund University is the largest museum for archaeological finds, coins, and medieval church art in southern Sweden. The focus of the tour will be the coin exhibition and other parts of the collections of a heraldic interest.
The tour starts at the entrance of the museum, address Krafts torg 1. Google maps.

Lund Cathedral
In 2023, the 900-year-anniversary of the cathedral is celebrated, as the first altar in the crypt was consecrated in 1123. In the crypt, there are tombstones with coats of arms of medieval bishops and noblemen. The tour will be divided into three parts, the crypt, the choir and the astronomical clock.
The tour starts at the entrance of the cathedral, address Kyrkogatan 6. Google maps.

Time schedule
14.30-15.30 | Public heraldry in the city of Lund | The History of Lund University | The Archives of ’Akademiska Föreningen’ and the Student Museum |
15.45-16.45 | Public heraldry in the city of Lund | The Historical Museum | The Archives of ’Akademiska Föreningen’ and the Student Museum |
17.00-18.00 | Lund Cathedral | Lund Cathedral | Lund Cathedral |