Welcome to the XXIInd Colloquium of the International Academy of Heraldry, arranged by Societas Heraldica Lundensis in cooperation with Societas Heraldica Scandinavica and The Swedish Heraldry Society.

Information will be posted here in due course. And on Facebook:
When? The colloquium starts on Wednesday 16th August 2023 at 14.00. It ends on Saturday 19th August 2023 at 13.00, or in the evening for those who wish to take part in heraldic sight-seeing in Lund in the afternoon. Since Lund is a tourist attraction in its own right, we will not arrange an excursion to other places.
How to get to Lund (Sweden)? Please note that the most convenient way to go to Lund is to fly to Copenhagen airport in Denmark, and then take the train (38 minutes) to Lund central station. This means that it will be convenient for many participants to arrive at Copenhagen airport before noon Wednesday 16th August, and to leave in the afternoon Saturday 19th August, unless, of course, one wishes to take part in the heraldic sightseeing in the Saturday afternoon.
Theme of the colloquium: Heraldry and the Law
Examples of subject areas:
- The authorities granting and registering arms, present and in history
- The legal protection of arms
- Inheritance of arms
- Right to bear arms
- Symbols of courts, associations of advocates etc.
- Symbols of law in heraldry
Call for papers – see instructions here. To be sent in at the latest 22nd November 2022.
Comparative survey of the legal rules on heraldry. See here.
Registration and payment – see instructions here. Registration has to be done no later than August 2nd.
Programme – a draft programme is available here.
Information about Lund for visitors is available here.
Organising committee: Associate Professor Martin Sunnqvist, AIH, Dr. Henric Åsklund, aih, and Claus K. Berntsen.
Scientific committee: Former State Herald Dr. Henrik Klackenberg AIH, Former Secretary General, Researcher Dr. Nicolas Vernot AIH, Associate Professor Martin Sunnqvist AIH, and Associate Professor Elsa Trolle Önnerfors.
Contact: Lund2023@heraldik.org
We thank the following organisations for support: The Faculty of Law at Lund University, The Municipality of Lund (Lunds kommun), The Royal Patriotic Society’s Benevolent Fund (Kungl. Patriotiska Sällskapets Understödsfond)