General information about the colloquium – see here.
Final version 14 August 2023.
Wednesday 16th August 2023
Venue: Pufendorf Auditorium, Tryckeriet, Faculty of Law, Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3 C, Lund
13.00 – 14.00 Registration (the foyer outside the Pufendorf Auditorium)
14.00 Welcome and introduction
- Professor Dr Martin Sunnqvist AIH for the organising committee
- The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, Professor Dr Lena Eskilsson
- The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Dr Eva Ryrstedt
- The Mayor and Chairman of the City Council of Lund Mats Helmfrid
- The Bishop of Lund Johan Tyrberg
- The President of the Académie Internationale d’Héraldique Elizabeth Roads AIH, LVO, OStJ
14.45 Session 1 Contemporary Heraldic Law I
Chair: Professor Dr Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard AIH
- Elizabeth Roads AIH: The law and Scots heraldry
15.30 Coffee and tea
16.00 Session 2 Contemporary Heraldic Law II
Chair: Dr Nicolas Vernot AIH
- Marc Baronnet-Steinbrecher: Quel est l’état du droit héraldique en France ? Forces et faiblesses, 230 ans après la suppression révolutionnaire des armoiries
- Dr Samy Khalid aih: Creation and maintenance of a Canadian heraldic system
- Cedric Pauwels aih: Heraldic law in French-speaking Belgium
17.30 End of the first day’s sessions
17.45 Meeting of the Council of the Académie Internationale d’Héraldique, Pufendorf Auditorium
Thursday 17th August 2023
Venue: Pufendorf Auditorium and Rättegångssalen, Tryckeriet, Faculty of Law, Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3 C, Lund
09.00 Session 3A French and Portuguese heraldry from 1400 onwards
Chair: Dr Simon Rousselot aih
- Antoine Robin: Signifier et contester en image les droits de justice. Les conflits de bornage héraldique aux frontières de la principauté bourbonnaise, 1400-1531
- Dr Pedro Sameiro AIH: Caractèristiques principales du Droit Héraldique Portugais selon le Corpus du Droit Héraldique Portugais (XV – XXI siècles)
09.00 Session 3B Municipal heraldry 20th-21st centuries
Chair: Dr Michael Göbl AIH
- Lyder Marstrander: Recent changes in the Norwegian legislation regarding civic arms and flags
- Karl-Heinz Steinbruch aih: Zur Situation der regionalen und kommunalen Heraldik in den fünf ostdeutschen Ländern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
10.00 Coffee and tea
10.30 Session 4A Law, usages and their effects
Chair: Dr Paul Fox AIH
- Dr Agnė Railaitė-Bardė AIH: Signs of Themis in Lithuanian heraldry
- Ronny Skov Andersen AIH: The Heraldic Consequences of the passing of a Law – a Case Study
10.30 Session 4B Symbols of law in heraldry
Chair: Marc Baronnet-Steinbrecher
- Klaas Padberg Evenboer aih: Symbols of law in heraldry
- Bruce Patterson aih: The Law as a theme in Canadian grants of arms
- Magnus Bäckmark aih: Symbols of Law in Historical Personal Arms in Sweden
12.00 Lunch, The Gallery, Faculty of Law
(Meeting of the Bureau permanent des congrès internationaux des sciences généalogique et héraldique, in Röda tornrummet, next to The Gallery.)
13.30 Session 5 Pufendorf Law and other types of norms
Chair: Dr Agnė Railaitė-Bardė AIH
- Professor Dr Fernando Herrera: The heraldry of Spanish America in the 16th Century: legal process and implications
- Joseph McMillan aih: Heraldic Episodes in American Legal History: Stray Voltage or Saving Remnant?
- Dr Henric Åsklund aih: In the Absence of Heraldic Law: Scandinavian Examples of how Registration of Burgher Arms has been Organized by Private Initiatives or Associations
15.00 Coffee and tea
15.30 Session 6A Holy Roman Empire and Germany
Chair: Dr Nils G. Bartholdy AIH
- Dr Michael Göbl AIH: Die Reichskanzlei des Heiligen Römischen Reiches und die Österreichische Hofkanzlei als Wappenbehörden
- Clemens Herzog aih: Inspecting the Coat of Arms Censors in Württemberg 1806-1918
15.30 Session 6B Law and practice in Scotland
Chair: Bruce Patterson aih
- Huw Sherrard: Sir Thomas Innes of Learney (Lord Lyon King of Arms, 1945-1969): a ‘Ventilation’
- Dr Bruce Durie: Scottish Heraldry 1971 – 2017: Changes to Practice and Law
16.30 End of the second day’s sessions
16.45 General Assembly of the Académie Internationale d’Héraldique, Pufendorf Auditorium (for members and associate members of the Academy)
18.30 Reception hosted by Lund University (for all participants), The University Building, Paradisgatan 2
Friday 18th August 2023
Venue: Pufendorf Auditorium and Rättegångssalen, Tryckeriet, Faculty of Law, Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3 C, Lund
09.00 Session 7A How to do it – litigation and legislation
Chair: Professor Dr Gillian Black
- Mark Watson-Gandy: The Court of Chivalry: A simple how to do it guide
- Davor Zovko: Heraldry and the Law: often – but not always – in harmony
08.30 Session 7B Hands on Workshop I
- Torsten Hiltmann, Sophie Eckenstaler, Philipp Schneider: Hands on Workshop. A new tool to find, identify and contextualise coats of arms (a list for signing up for different time slots will be available on Wednesday and Thursday)
- More information here.
10.00 Coffee and tea
10.30 Session 8A Heraldry and authority
Chair: Ronny Skov Andersen AIH
- Professor Dr Gerard Marí Brull: Law against Arms: Obliteration of Seals, Emblems and Coats of Arms by Fernando VII, King of Spain (1808-1833)
- Dr Justina Sipavičiūtė: The Statutes of Lithuania – Seals – Heraldry
- Drăgan-George Basarabă: The Legal History of the Coat of Arms of Romania
10.30 Session 8B Hands on Workshop II
- Torsten Hiltmann, Sophie Eckenstaler, Philipp Schneider: Hands on Workshop. A new tool to find, identify and contextualise coats of arms (a list for signing up for different time slots will be available on Wednesday and Thursday)
- More information here.
12.00 Lunch, The Gallery, Faculty of Law
(Meeting for informal discussions within CIGH/ICOC, in Röda tornrummet, next to The Gallery.)
13.30 Session 9A Heraldry and cultural heritage
Chair: Professor Dr Martin Sunnqvist AIH
- Dr Andriy Grechylo aih (online): Municipal and territorial symbols of Ukraine: problems of legal regulation
- Dr Nicolas Vernot AIH: Heraldry as “Intangible, Cultural Heritage” (UNESCO): a relevant institutional recognition?
- Dr Simon Rousselot aih: The right to bear arms in a fantasy universe: The example of Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher
13.30 Session 9B Hands on Workshop III
- Torsten Hiltmann, Sophie Eckenstaler, Philipp Schneider: Hands on Workshop. A new tool to find, identify and contextualise coats of arms (a list for signing up for different time slots will be available on Wednesday and Thursday)
- More information here.
15.00 Coffee and tea
15.30 Session 10A – [cancelled]
15.30 [Session 10B Hands on Workshop IV (only if a fourth workshop session is needed)
- Torsten Hiltmann, Sophie Eckenstaler, Philipp Schneider: Hands on Workshop. A new tool to find, identify and contextualise coats of arms (a list for signing up for different time slots will be available on Wednesday and Thursday)]
15.30 or 16.30 End of the third day’s sessions
18.00 Conference dinner. Venue: Lilla salen, Akademiska Föreningen, Sandgatan 2, Lund. Dress code: Evening dress with decorations (miniatures recommended). Following the long-established tradition of Lund University, gentlemen are invited to wear white tie. Black tie, mess dress, dark suit and national costume could also be worn.
Saturday 19th August 2023
Venue: Pufendorf Auditorium, Tryckeriet, Faculty of Law, Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3 C, Lund
09.30 Session 11 Contemporary changes
Chair: Dr Henrik Klackenberg AIH
- Professor Dr Gillian Black: Succession to Arms in the 21st Century
- Ross M. McEwen: Heraldry in Chief: …a critical analysis of the Succession of Chiefs of Clan and Families in the 21st century
10.30 Coffee and tea
11.00 Session 12 Legal norms or not?
Chair: Robert D. Watt AIH
- Jos van den Borne: No regulation, regulation and deregulation. Republican tradition and government interference in Dutch heraldry
- Professor Dr Eric Bylander: Heraldic norms as (non-)legal norms from a Swedish perspective
12.00 End of the colloquium
– 13.00
13.15 Time for lunch
14.30 Seeing sights of heraldic and historic interest in Lund. See separate programme here.
– 18.00