General information about the colloquium – see here.
List of accepted proposals – 22 January 2023:
Collection of abstracts – 6 February 2023:
Papers for Proceedings, guidance for authors
The paper is not to exceed 6000 words, including endnotes. Please check your word count carefully as papers which are too long will be rejected. There should be no bibliography. Endnotes are to be embedded, with each citation having a matching number in the text.
There should be a maximum of eight illustrations. Each illustration should also be cited in the text, but with legends supplied as a separate file. Illustrations must have a minimum size of 1300 pixels wide and 300 DPI, and be of the best possible quality, preferably in JPG format. The author must cite the source of all graphic documentation, of whatever type, if it is not their own work. The Organising Committee shall not accept any liability that may arise from any breach of intellectual and commercial property rights. Figures, tables and images should be sent in separate files from the main body of the work, and not included in the text.
The text and illustrations etc. should be sent to no later than October 31st, 2023.
You will receive a proof copy of your paper prior to publication, which will have a deadline for correction beyond which corrections cannot be accepted.
Copyright is shared between the author and the publishing committee. Publication will be in various formats, including online.
Guidance for presentations
The lecture including introduction and questions will be no longer than 30 minutes. You should therefore prepare a lecture lasting no longer than 25 minutes. You ought to have a powerpoint presentation, which you can bring on a USB stick. Please note that your PowerPoint should be in more than one language if possible, since the audience will include people of different nationalities.
The call for papers:
We invite you to send in your proposal for a paper for the 2023 colloquium. We need the proposal at the latest 22nd November 2022. It should be within the theme of the colloquium.
Theme of the colloquium: Heraldry and the Law
Examples of subject areas:
- The authorities granting and registering arms, present and in history
- The legal protection of arms
- Inheritance of arms
- Right to bear arms
- Symbols of courts, associations of advocates etc.
- Symbols of law in heraldry
We need an abstract of approximately 400 words. We also need information about the applicant’s affiliation, a short CV, and contact details. It should be sent to at the latest 22nd November 2022. Notification of acceptance will be sent at the latest early in 2023.