Hands-on Workshop

Hands-on Workshop on the Digital Heraldry Research Environment

The hands-on workshop introduces the Digital Heraldry Research Environment, a new web-based tool to describe, find, identify, and contextualise coats of arms using the Digital Heraldry Ontology.

The tool is being developed as part of the research project Coats of Arms in Practice, which explores the development of heraldry throughout the Middle Ages using various AI-based methods (e.g. image detection, ontology engineering). The project is based at the Professorship of Digital History, Humboldt University of Berlin.

During the workshop, we will give you a short introduction on how to use the tool to describe coats of arms in a structured way, as well as to search for and identify coats of arms. We also hope to get first-hand feedback from you as experienced heraldists for further enhancements and developments.

The workshop is intended to give you an opportunity to try out the tool yourself: Therefore, please bring your own laptop or tablet to the workshop. You don’t have to install anything, as the Digital Heraldry Research Environment runs in every Web Browser like Firefox, or Google Chrome.

The workshop will be held in three (or four) different sessions on Friday; a list for signing up for different time slots will be available on Wednesday and Thursday. Each session will last 90 minutes. The workshop will be held in English.

En français